How to prepare for a casting?
Created the: 16-11-2015

A casting can often create tension or even anxiety, a bit like an athlete before an important game.
Therefore it is always a good idea to come prepared and with a calm and relaxed attitude that can help you get exactly the role that you are passionate about.
Auditions are today the most common way that future actors are selected on.
Therefore, we have including a good number of tips that you can follow before you go to a casting:
Come prepared! Find out all the information you can before you sit in the waiting room.
Whether it's a casting call for a starring role in a new Lars Von Trier film or as an extra in an advertisement, the fear can always start to sneak up on you and ruin your casting. Therefore it is extremely important to be prepared.
Identify exactly what kind of person that production company is looking for. Search for information about which individuals and types the company has worked with before and find out what they're looking for in your casting.
Wear clothes for the occasion. Do not come in dressed up unless specifically requested. Normally, the production company will provide a costume for you on the day if necessary.
Bring your resume and a photo of yourself. That way you can quickly show them what you have done if you should be asked.
Come early! Be sure about casting site, plan a route there and make sure to be there at least 15 minutes before time. It will give you time to gather your thoughts, go to the bathroom and to spend some time to clear your mind.
Remember that the entertainment industry is a business, and thus a way to put bread on the table for all the people you meet at your casting.
It all comes down to, that they want to know if you can help them to make money or to advance their careers.
Therefore approach the casting with uplifted head knowing that those on the other side of the table is just as desperate to find what they are looking for, as you are to get the role.