Miss Jozi 2017 Auditions

Women 17 - 27 Years old, Gauteng


Applications for Miss Jozi 2017 Auditions are now open. Apply online today.

Miss Jozi 2017 winner will receive R30 000.00 in cash, Laptop, 1 year paid data, Virgin Hair, Beauty spa services and a Gift card.

The 2nd Place runner-up will receive R15 000.00 in cash, Beauty spa services, Skin products and a Gift Card.

The 3rd Place runner-up will receive R5 000.00 in cash, Beauty spa services, Skin care products and a Gift card.

Rules and Guidelines
- Applicants must be at least 17 years of age and not older than 27 years old on 01 September 2017.
- All applicants must be never married.
- Applicants must not be pregnant.
- Applicant must be currently living within the Gauteng province in order to compete in the Beauty Pageant.
- Applicant must be a naturally born female in order to compete in the Beauty Pageant.
- Applicants must not be contracted with terms that conflict with those of Miss Jozi beauty pageant.
- Any incorrect information will result in disqualification whether discovered prior to, during, or after the finals.
- Applicants must understand that the judges' decisions and scoring are final and will not be changed.

  • Casting had ended