PAID: Female lead character needed for commercial, Cape Town
Women 20 - 39 Years old, Western Cape
An agency is looking to cast a woman to play the lead character as Ramona in a commercial for Volvic Juicy (MOFILM competition):
Ramona is the typical, metropolitan, mid/late - twenties working class girl living in the city. A Zooey Deschanel in "New Girl" type character. She has some mystery about her. A caring personality and an attention to detail, though sometimes misjudges practical situations.
Casting a Caucasian woman in her 20s/30's with character and personality. They are really looking to find an actressthat is almost playing Ramona naturally, ability to identify with her. A witty attitude is more important than a pretty look.
Shoot dates: 10, 11 or 12 March 2016
Rate: R1000 (Please note this is a competition for MOFILM in the UK and we are working on no budget. If the film wins - usage will be attainable)
Usage (If the commercial win and get aired) R7500
Casting dates: Saturday 5 March 10 am until 16h00
Casting had ended