Model Actor Dancer Singer Extra


30 years old, Cape Town, South Africa

I'm young vibrant, exciting and outgoing, I love the outdoors but I'm a huge lover of just being inside too. I love a good challenge and I'm some what of an adrenaline junky, not crazy adrenaline junky but good adrenaline junky. I love animals and the ocean is my home away from home. I love acting, singing and dancing as well as modelling. I catch on really quickly and I'm a very fast learner. I love cars, food, cold rainy weather and dressing up is just always loads of fun. I'm trustworthy, honest, persistent. I'm loyal to those that count on me and I always try my utmost to not let people down. I believe that every moment, every second within itself is absolutely perfect as long as we allow it to be, I am a free spirited, wild hearted, barefoot walking, curly hair don't care (not always), nature loving, sun kissed skin girl with dreams and goals that o will never give up on. I am proud of who and what I am and I cannot change who or what I am to satisfy others and I am not easily influenced.


Physical info

30 years old

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Modelling experience: Moderate Acting experience: Moderate Singing experience: Moderate Dancing experience: A lot
Participated in dancing shows Danced in a group Participated in musicals Sung in a group

Job interests

Modelling jobs Swimsuit/underwear model Dancing for a singer/group Movie/TV - acting Movie/TV - extra