Dancer Singer Extra


32 years old, Johannesburg, South Africa

Im Dancer,ive been dancing at a young age. I specialise in popping, krumping,tricking,Break dancing,digital fingers and free styling. I have a slight experience in acting,Ive done Roadshows around the country based on stage acting for schools. I'm willing to try new paths as well as apply skills required for tasks provided. I have interest in photography,basically anything that has to do with the arts. im determined in any task im given,im confidence and a hard worker. I'm interested in meeting new people and having to grow with my surroundings.


Physical info

32 years old

165 cm

63 kilo

32 cm


Modelling experience: None Acting experience: Slight Singing experience: None Dancing experience: Professional
Performed on film/TV Performed in TV series Participated in dancing shows Danced in a group

Job interests

Swimsuit/underwear model Dancing for a singer/group Movie/TV - extra